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 HomeLeague DashboardLeague Detail     March 12, 2025  

League Detail View

Below is a League Detail screen image for the Junior Circuit for a 1964 Replay as of July 19th 1964. Both league and team's' to-date performance in various categories are rated usng a baseline comparison and is indicated using meters and color coded icons. If the view is for a replay, the baseline comparison is the real life Day-by-Day stats for that season. If the view is for the real life season, the baseline comparison is the real life Day-by-Day league average stats. The folowing numbered items correspond to the circled numbers in the League Detail image below:

  1. On the upper left is a series of performance meters which rate the overall league performance in six categories. Five of the six meters use our proprietary algorithms to calculate the rating using data from multiple statistical categories.
  2. On the upper right are the league total statistics for over 50 different batting and pitching stats along with a color coded performance rating in each stat category. This is especially useful for replays because you can quickly identify the categories above or below expectations.
  3. Area #3 contains detail standings information along with color coded individual team performance ratings. The ratings are specific to each team's performance in the standings versus its baseline comparison. For replays you can quickly assess which teams are over or under performing based on their ratings. In this example Cleveland is in 5th place, but is rated hot because they are playing much better than they did in real life. On the other hand New York and Minnesota are ahead of Cleveland, but there performance is rated lower (their rating is "As Expected").
  4. To the right of the standings is the Variance table which measures the difference in each team's performance versus it's baseline comparison. In this case we're measuring things like changes in Number of wins, games behind, place (rank) in the standings, run differential and more. All these play a role in determining a team's performance rating. This table makes it easier to see differences between team performances versus the baseline.
  5. At the bottom of the image are team-by-team batting stats with variances and performance ratings for each team versus their baseline comparison.
  6. The last area is not visible in the image, but includes the team-by-team pitching stats and team ratings versus their baseline performance.

To view a detail analysis for any team, click on the team name in any of the data grids to be taken to that team's Team Page.

With a single button click you can change leagues, go to Chart Central, change the day of the season you are viewing, return to the home page (League QuickView) or hide/show standings, batting or pitching stats.

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